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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How to conceive a girl - Sugar & Spice - Really?

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How to conceive a girl - Sugar & Spice - Really?

It is the secret to conceive a girl really like the nursery rhyme says - sugar and spice and all things nice? Maybe not, because if you want to conceive a child, there would be a lot of unhappy dogs around! So let's look at other ways that you may be able to conceive a girl.

In addition to medical procedures for gender selection that can be expensive (and with today's economy not many of us have a few thousand dollars to spare) invasive (do a search on IVF to see exactly what a woman has to go through) and in some countries against the law and religion. What else can you do to try to conceive a girl?

Old wives tale tips to conceive a girl

There will always be old wives tales for every situation in life, this is the same for gender selection. Some stories old to conceive a girl are:

Making love in even numbered days of the month

Women should be advised to make love! (In this way, children please!)

You should make love in the afternoon

Do you have a wooden spoon around? Yes? ... Then put under your bed!

Send a nice pink ribbon under your pillow

Make love under the full moon (although this totally contradicts the love in the afternoon!)

The law of averages means that you will of course get the odd one or two women who worked for it! But really, if you are serious about conceiving a girl, I think you should leave the full moon it's job to check the tide and not put off by the outside frolicking! Send a wooden spoon firmly in the drawer where it belongs.

natural selection between the sexes to conceive a girl

There are a lot of hype in this day and age to do things naturally. So of course you can help yourself to conceive a girl? Some women believe it is possible. They believe that there are certain things that you can do in your daily life that can help swing the odds in favor of a boy or a girl.

These things are:

Learn to know your body and your menstrual cycle in order to know when ovulation.

Watching what you eat (you may need to change your diet a bit)

Teach yourself about sperm (it's actually down to these little guys if you conceive a girl or a boy!)

Inserting yourself with knowledge seems to be the main focus of natural gender selection. Fitting the pieces together like a puzzle will help you see the big picture. This sounds much more convincing than the theory of the tape and even numbered days.

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